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Photo Essay Projects

Taking pictures with a specific and well defined purpose helps the photographer establish a focus…, pun intended.  These pages reflect that intent by recording images created within a specific photography project. I hope you’ll take time to browse through the images and see what thoughts and feelings to which they might give birth. If your photo made it to these pages, please feel free to contact me to receive the file at no cost or obligation to you at However,  all images are copyright protected and may not be used under any circumstances without the expressed written consent of Tennessee Rick Elliott and TNrick Photography. Thanks not only to those who were willing to pose for the images, but also to all those instructors at the University of Tennessee and fellow photographers from East Tennessee and southwest Florida who have been so patient with me and have so graciously helped me along in my photographic journey. 

© 2021 Tennessee Rick Elliott           Contact me by email at or by calling or texting 865-456-8557

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